My antenna works as a V-type of dipole for 40,20,15m band, and a 3 element Yagi for 10m. The V-dipole is conventional and available in several companies. Additionally, I put reflector and director for 10m band horizontally up 70cm from the radiation point. The radiator is common same as the other band.
I designed and simulate my antenna with MMANA or MMANA-GAL The length of director is 4.7m and that of reflector is 5.6m. The boom is 3m long and put at 70cm up from the radiation point of the V-dipole. The figure below is the beam pattern of 10m band calculated by MMANA-GAL. You can see it works as 3 element Yagi. Actually, MMANA-GAL tells that the gain can be improved little more, if the boom is longer and the position of reflector and director is moved little. It is very interesting. You can see it with my data file "v_2ele.maa" uploaded. (click here to download it) I've realized that my antenna works as the result obtained by MMANA on real QSOs.
The impedance is changed little due to adding elements. I put a remote antenna tuner "MFJ-994 at the common radiation point to adjust the impedance automatically.